Herb For Asthma

Ashtma is a disease characterized by shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing due to bronchial constriction. In severe cases, a person may pass out from oxygen deprivation, and sometimes emergency trips to the hospital are required. Bronchodilator meditations are used by many asthmatics to force open their air passageways.

Many causes are linked to asthma, including allergic reaction, emotional issues, adrenal gland imbalances, spinal misalignment, environmental pollutants, and dehydration. It's best to understand what is causing your attacks in the first place and use herbs to correct the problem.

However, for a quick fix, the next herb we'll talk about can force open the air passage ways and allow you to breathe easier right away. The Chinese have used Chinese ephedra (Ephedra equisetina), also known as ma haung, for centuries as a wonder herb for many different uses.

One of its greatest attributes is the bronchodilator effect it has on the body, but it may also be used in herbal preparations designed for weight loss. This herb is strong heart and nervous system stimulant and therefore is not suitabe for everyone.

Epinephrine, the medication used in over-the-counter asthma and allergy medications such as Sudafed®, Contacy®, and Primatene Mist®, has very similiar chemical properties to ephedra. For an asthma attack, one capsule of this herb can be effective right away, but make sure you are not sensitive to ephedra before taking any more than that.

If you live in a state where ephedra is banned, or if you have high blood pressure and are sensitive to ephedra products, another excellent and old-time remedy for clearing the lungs is the herb lobelia (pronounced low-beel-ya).

Lobelia (Lobelia inflata) is used for many afflictions, including asthma, because of its expectorant abilities−this means lobelia acts in a similiar way on the nervous system as nicotine does−in fact, it was once smoked by Native Americans instead of tobacco. Even today, supplementing with lobelia has been useful in supporting those who want to stop smoking.

Be warned, however, that lobelia is both an emetic and an expectorant, so taking this herb along with cigarettes may make you very quesy after smoking. This nauseating effect has helped many associate their sick stomach feeling to cigarettes and has made quiting easier.

Lobelia also serves to calm the nervous system and is another reasong why nervous smokers might like lobelia. For asthma, lobelia works to relax constricted bronchials, making it much easier to breathe. Small doses work best with lobelia−taking too much at once (even if you are not a smoker) might make you nauseous or even cause you to vomit.

However, once this passes you should feel better than ever because the toxins have been expelled. Start out with one capsule of lobelia and see how you do before taking more. One particular combination used to support lung function includes marshmallow, Chinese ephedra, mullein, passion flower, catnip, horehound, and slippery elm.

Many of these herbs have nourishing and mucilaginous qualities, which means that they serve to moisten the tissues of the body. If the lungs are all dried up, as Dr. Batmanghelidj's research seems to prove, these herbs will help put moisture back into them.

Dr. Batmanghelidj's research on healing with water suggests that asthma is nothing more than a disease brought on by dehydration. The lungs lose water every time we exhale, and he describes this as a drought condition in the body, similiar to hard, cracked moisture-lacking soil.

Drinking more water will help replenish that water for the lungs−and it coould just be your least-expensive remedy! Also consider having your blood sugar checked if you have asthma, as plummeting blood sugar levels can often trigger asthmatic reactions.

Furthermore, take note if you are having trouble breathing when you haven't eaten in several hours; then note whether your shortness of breath comes after you have ingested sugary foods. Licorice root is one of the best herbs to take to help bring blood sugar up and keep it steady throughout the day.

Try two to four capsules between meals. Also take note if you tend to get short of breath when dealing with a certain person. If so, you might need to get to the core of the emotional issue before any herb can help. Consider eliminating milk, dairy products, and sugary foods that can increase mucus in the lungs and sinuses and make your asthma symptoms worse.

Ginkgo and grape seed extract have also been added to herbal programs designed to combar asthma. Both help by decreasing the sensitivity to allergens and lowering the histamine response.