Vitamin C Flush
Vitamin C has been well researched for its ability to help detoxify bacterial toxins, drugs, environmental toxins, and heavy metals from our bodies. Its gentle and potent detoxification counteracts and neutralizes the harmful effects of manufactured poisons.
High levels of vitamin C help detoxify the body, rebalance intestinal flora, and strengthen the immune system. The vitamin C flush can be used between metabolic cleansing therapies or at the first sign of a cold or infection. If your immune system is weak or you’ve been exposed to a lot of toxins, you may want to do a vitamin C flush once a week for a month or two.
On days when you are not doing a vitamin C flush, take a minimum of 2,000 to 3,000 milligrams. Humans are one of the only animals that do not produce their own vitamin C, so we need to replenish our supply daily. To do a vitamin C flush, you take vitamin C to the level of tissue saturation.
You’ll know you’ve reached it because you will have watery diarrhea. You’ll need to purchase powdered mineral ascorbate C, which is more easily tolerated by most people because it doesn’t change your pH balance. The amount you take varies depending on your personal needs that day.
Many of us require about 5,000 milligrams; others need fifteen or twenty times as much. For instance, if you’re coming down with a cold, have chronic fatigue syndrome, or are under excessive stress, you’ll probably need a lot more. To do a vitamin C flush, take ½ teaspoon, about 2,500 milligrams, of vitamin C powder, mix with water or fruit juice, and drink. Repeat in fifteen minutes.
Keep taking ½ teaspoon of ascorbate every fifteen minutes until you have watery diarrhea. Do not stop with just gas. Adding vitamin C rapidly helps prevent bloating and cramping. Stop once you get diarrhea. Keep track of how much vitamin C you take. This will help you determine your optimal dosage.
Take daily one-half to three-quarters of the amount it takes to produce a vitamin C flush in divided amounts. Over time your needs may increase but then substantially decrease as repair occurs.