Herbs For Eczema

Eczema is described as a superficial inflammation of the skin, an itchy red rash often accompanied by small blisters that weep and become encrusted. Topically, eczema will be treated medically with locally applied steroid hormones to help reduce inflammation; however, since drugs can do damage to the body, try these safe herbal remedies first.

To help yourself get the best treatment possible you will need to understand which type of eczema you are exhibiting. Knowing this will help you better understand what you cause might be and will govern the approach to your treatment. Like I say over and over, finding your cause is a big part of finding your cure.

Some eczema is caused by allergy, some by lack of circulation, and some by something from the outside that your skin is contacting. For the sake of simplicity, we will work with an herb or two that serves to cleanse the blood via the liver and the lymphatics. Remember that the skin is always as clean as the blood is.

Some of these herbs will work to help your body chemistry balance, which will eventually cause your symptom to disappear. Once you find out the root of this problem, you can add herbs or make lifestyle changes to help you with the cause. For instance, if you have eczema related to a lack of circulation in the legs, incorporating an invigorating exercise program along with taking herbs that stimulate circulation will get to the core of your problem.

Oregon grape (Berberis Aquifolium) is probably the most widely used and accepted herbal remedy for chronic skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis, all skin inflammation disease. Its best use for helping eczema is in liquid extract or tea, and it can be used internally as well as externally.

Oregon grape goes to the liver and lymphatics, help purify blood, and serve as a mild laxative. It contains a powerful natural antibiotic similar to golden seal and has been used to clear up skin conditions of all kinds. Oregon grape is also used for acne, and detoxification.

It gets to the source of skin problems because it helps regulate bile flow, decreases liver congestion, promotes the digestion of fats, and helps relieve constipation, all of which contribute to skin ailments. Combinations used together to cleanse and feed the skin include burdock root, Oregon grape, pau d'arco, vitamins A and E, and zinc.

Because you will either make or purchase Oregon grape in a liquid form, it will be easy to apply to affected areas on the skin. Apply to a test area, such as the back of your hand, for several days each day, and watch how it works for you. You may want to apply it straight, or you can add it to your natural shampoo for eczema in the scalp.

Externally, you can also add the herb calendula (from marigold flowers), known for its soothing effects on the skin. Mix it with some aloe vera, and apply as a paste to affected areas. If you do not yet know the source of your eczema, eliminate any possible causes of skin irritants, such as toxic and industrialized chemicals.

Make a note if you have changed any of your soaps or laundry detergents. Some eczema can be triggered by allergies, so make a food diary and eliminate red meat, citrus fruits, and sugar from your diet, and see if your problem clears. This will help you learn what might be triggering this condition, too. Cleanse the bowel for quicker relief of all skin ailments.