Herb and Vitamins, What's the Difference?

Vitamins are important in many cases−in fact, I have include a few helpful supplements for each ailment discussed in future posts becase many herbalists use other supplements in their practices along with the use of herbs. These supplements may be used in cases of great defeciency, or many even add an enhaced effect to your herbal program.

Other natural supplements that will be mentioned in here you might consider along with your use of herbs are:

  • Bacteria (usually referred to as acidiphilus or bifidophilus)
  • Enzymes
  • Essential oils
  • Homeophatics
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals

Because herbs are plants, they contain vitamins and minerals. Therefore, once you recover from your ailment, you need for the extra extracted vitamin supplements may decrease if you are using herbs as a part of your daily nutritional program. Next check out the real difference between a vitamin supplement and an herb.

Food from the earth are whole foods, which contain all the elements needed to sustain our body and maintain health. Herbs contain usable forms of vitamins and minerals from nature. For instance, natural forms of vitamin C can be found in many herbs, such as rose hips; rose hips provide many other substances such as vitamin A, E, rutin, B-complex sodium, calcium, selenium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin D, and zinc that herbalists believe enhance the positive effects of the vitamin C.

Vitamins, on the other hand, are extracted from the whole plant and are used as an isolated substance. Herbs provide the entire plant and all its constituents (minus the bug parts). In other words, you get Mother Nature's full meal and not an extracted piece of it.

So trust in your "Mother" to feed you correctly and provide you with everything you need to nourish your body. Mother Nature losts of things to teach you, so honor thy mother if you know what's good for you! Herbs are nutrients, and your body will use what it needs from them.

However, herbs should not be thought of as miracle drug that forces your body todo something or stop doing something that it wouldn't to naturally. Herbs are your assistans. They need your cooperation in order to get the best results, so think of herbs as your partners in health.

Not that downing you handful or herbal pills with your beer and pizza doesn't have any value at all, but your herbs will be better utilized if you take them with a proper diet. What do I mean by a "proper diet"?

The simplest way to think about eating healthy is to think whole, raw, fresh, vinerepened, organic fruits and vegetables; grains such as rice, millet, barley, and rye (don't eat wheat as your only grain−mix them up!) and organic, raw (if possible) dairy products in moderation.

I also believe in under-eating occasionally. Under-eating occurs when you may want more food, but you discontinue eating anyway. Most of us eat more than we really need, and it takes a lot of energy for your body to digest and assimilate food. Taking a load off your digestive organs once in a while by under-eating or fasting can−and will−help you feel better and will enhance your health.

When you fast (abstain from all food), your body has the opportunity to cleanse itself of toxins rapidly. If you begin to cleanse too rapidly, however, you may feel extremely ill. The toxins from your body get stuck and form obstructions that can be fatal. So, although fasting is extremely beneficial when done correctly, you should know what you are doing or seek supervision before attempting a long fast.

Under-eating about there quarters to one half your normal portions is a safer way to give your body a break occasionally and will help you maintain your ideal weight. Some herbs can easily be taken on an empty stomach, just as you would eat a salad; others may make you nauseous. It depends on the herbs.

Teas seem to work best on an empty stomach. For best results, try eating ligthly just before or after you take your herbs, especially are in a pill form. This will help you feel the subtle changes that the herbs will have upon your body, too.