Allergic Reaction - Post Nasal Drip

Do you clear your throat constantly? Think carefully. You may not even be aware that you’re doing it. Throat clearing is an involuntary attempt to clear away mucus that’s dripping down into your throat from the inside of your nose. Nasal or sinus congestion is the usual problem; when mucus can't flow freely out the front, it's forced to detour.

Post nasal drip is often caused by allergies. But it can also be provoked by related irritants – such as cold weather, spicy food, odors, fumes, cigarette smoke and even anxiety and other strong emotional reactions.

Aside from steering clear of those triggers when you can, you can also exercise to clear up post nasal drip. By stimulating mucus flow in the nose, exercise unclogs the congestion that forces secretions to trickle down the throat.